The Single leg RDL basketball drill is a great way to build strength and stability in your ankles, legs and core. To do this properly, stand straight on your injured ankle ensuring that you have three points of contact with the ground — your big toe, pinky toe, and heel. Then create an arch and bring your opposite knee up in to a 90 degree position while engaging your glutes and core to keep yourself stable. After that, lean forward with control while simultaneously bringing your leg back until you are in a straight line from head to toe. Think of it as if there was a plank going through your spine; both leg and spine should be kept straight at all times. During this exercise make sure you touch each of three different spots on the ground — in front of you, on the left or on the right — to maintain balance when changing directions for each rep. Lastly, ensure that you keep your pelvis in a neutral position throughout the entirety of this drill so that you can safely work on basketball shots while maintaining proper form.